
Youth Focus: Walk for Me 2021

We are delighted to announce that Team Sista Fitness has raised over $19,000 for Youth Focus during the 2021 ‘Walk for Me’ Virtual Walk and Fundraiser!

Taking place over Mental Health Week (October 9 to 16), the Walk for Me Virtual Walk and Fundraiser aims to raise vital funds youth mental health and suicide prevention.

With thanks to the enthusiasm and generosity of our members, staff and extended Sista Fitness community, we raised a total of $19,292.

In addition to these incredible fundraising efforts, Team Sista Fitness also clocked up over 500km during the Virtual Walk! We’re glad to see so many of you putting our cardio equipment to good use!

Youth Focus is a local not-for-profit organisation, delivering frontline services and education programs to young Western Australians battling with mental health.

These programs aim to reduce symptoms associated with suicide, depression, anxiety and self-harm, and build long-term mental wellbeing to help young people reach their full potential.

We are extremely proud of what we have achieved and thank every single person who stepped up alongside us in the fight against youth suicide.

It was a privilege partnering with Youth Focus for this event and we are already looking forward to the next one.